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AZ-2009 | Build distributed apps with .NET Aspire

AZ-2009 | Build distributed apps with .NET Aspire


Learn how to build observable, production ready, distributed applications with .NET Aspire.



  • Experience building web applications using .NET and C#


  • Developer
  • Solution Architect

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to .NET Aspire

Learn about the .NET Aspire stack in .NET 8 and how you can use it to ease and accelerate the development of cloud-native web applications.

  • Introduction
  • What is .NET Aspire?
  • Learn about .NET Aspire integrations
  • Learn about .NET Aspire tools
  • Exercise - Use the .NET Aspire eShop
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary

Module 2: Create a .NET Aspire project

Learn how to create cloud-native applications from scratch or add orchestration to an existing app by using the .NET Aspire stack in .NET 8.

  • Introduction
  • Learn how to create a new .NET Aspire project
  • Exercise - Create a new .NET Aspire project
  • How to add orchestration to an existing .NET app
  • Exercise - Integrate an existing ASP.NET Core web app
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary

Module 3: Use telemetry in a .NET Aspire project

Learn how to use telemetry in a .NET Aspire project to log data and examine the behavior of a cloud-native application.

  • Introduction
  • Telemetry APIs in .NET
  • Using OpenTelemetry in .NET Aspire
  • Using the .NET Aspire dashboard
  • Using a logger to add custom log messages
  • Exercise - Use telemetry in a .NET Aspire project
  • Knowledge check
  • 5 min
  • Summary

Module 4: Use databases in a .NET Aspire project

Learn about the database systems that .NET Aspire can connect to using built-in integrations. Then see how to configure connections to, and store data in, relational and nonrelational databases.

  • Introduction
  • Store data in SQL-compliant databases
  • Store data in NoSQL databases
  • Exercise - Use database services to persist data from a .NET Aspire project
  • Create tests with .NET Aspire
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary

Module 5: Improve performance with a cache in a .NET Aspire project

Learn about using Redis caching to increase performance in a cloud-native application. You'll also discover how .NET Aspire makes it easy to access Redis caching services from your microservices.

  • Introduction
  • Caches and Redis
  • Using a Redis distributed cache
  • Using a Redis output cache
  • Customize connection strings by using .NET Aspire manifests
  • Exercise - Cache data in Redis
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary

Module 6: Send messages with RabbitMQ in a .NET Aspire project

Learn how to use message queues on RabbitMQ exchange servers to decouple microservices and manage communications in a cloud-native application built with .NET Aspire.

  • Introduction
  • What is RabbitMQ?
  • Sending messages with RabbitMQ
  • Exercise - Send messages between microservices through RabbitMQ
  • Knowledge check
  • Summary


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AZ-2009 | Build distributed apps with .NET Aspire

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